Inflation Explained – Just “Cooling Things Off.”

When working people, either through their own struggles or sheer good luck, manage to get paid more for their labor, we say that rising wages are a “DRIVER of INFLATION.” Wages DRIVE inflation — that sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Then, as wages DRIVE inflation, we say the economy is HEATING UP! It’s OVERHEATING! That sounds […]

We Can’t Export Democracy Because We Don’t Have Any to Spare

After more than 2,400 U.S. service member deaths, about 50,000 Afghan civilian deaths (some of those from U.S. drone strikes), 66,000 dead among Afghan military and police and tens of thousands of Taliban casualties, the 20-year U.S. war in Afghanistan has come to a close, leaving the Taliban in control of the country. What is […]

Why Do Racists Hate Being Called Racist?

Here’s my latest post on Medium, in which I examine the strange phenomenon of racists hating being called racist, even though that’s exactly what they are! It’s the darndest thing, but there’s nothing racists hate more than being called racist. Try calling a racist a racist and you immediately get an enraged, hair-trigger, red faced, […]